
Afternoon in a swamp

Things are sprouting out vigorously and our surroundings are becoming green very quickly the past few weeks.
We ventured out to a swamp hoping to collect some cat tails.
This was a county park and people were hiking on the wooden bridge above us as we were roaming and crounching down on the mud. One lady yelled down to us and said "Thank you for being good sports!". Apparently, she thought that we were picking trash. We do that too, but not this time.
近所の沼地にCat Tails(日本語ではガマと言うそうです。日本では食べたことがありません。)を取りに行きました。公園の中にある沼地なので、頭上の橋の上を人々がハイキングしています。泥の中にしゃがみこんで何かしている私達に向かって「えらいわね~!」という声が降ってきました。どうやらゴミを拾っているのだと勘違いされたようです。残念ながら違いましたが。

Walking in a mud was extremely messy but surprisingly fun. It felt like we were kids all over again. We saw thousands of tadpoles.

These are new cat tails. After discarding many (or most) layers, the very center and the tender part of the plant is edible and it is quite nice. They taste like in between green onion and cucumber.

We collected bag full of them but edible parts must be 5% or less.

I quickly boiled them and pickled them. Unfortunately, the bright light green color disappeared after being marinated in vinegar...
Cat Tails are very versatile. If you wait until summer, you can eat the top portion which taste just like corn. I think that a pair of gumboots will be a very good investment.