
Morel Season

Official Morel season has begun!
Mr. Ladybug found his first Morels on the last day of March!
待ちに待ったアミガサタケの季節が始まったようです!今年最初の収穫です。 At the same time, our friend 'HAWKEYE' has been outposting in the woods. He has been looking hard (even under the leaves!) and sending us reports dutifully.

Subject: Northern Wake mushroom and bamboo outpost
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:59:56 -0400
Did my on the ground scouting yesterday afternoon.
Nothing in sight (or under the leaves) I'll stay on the job !!!!!

Subject: HAWKEYE reporting in
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 16:57:02 -0400

As of 4:30 PM, nothing visible from 500ft. Trees are bare and visibility is excellent. Silence is golden, temperature is 84.


Afternoon in a swamp

Things are sprouting out vigorously and our surroundings are becoming green very quickly the past few weeks.
We ventured out to a swamp hoping to collect some cat tails.
This was a county park and people were hiking on the wooden bridge above us as we were roaming and crounching down on the mud. One lady yelled down to us and said "Thank you for being good sports!". Apparently, she thought that we were picking trash. We do that too, but not this time.
近所の沼地にCat Tails(日本語ではガマと言うそうです。日本では食べたことがありません。)を取りに行きました。公園の中にある沼地なので、頭上の橋の上を人々がハイキングしています。泥の中にしゃがみこんで何かしている私達に向かって「えらいわね~!」という声が降ってきました。どうやらゴミを拾っているのだと勘違いされたようです。残念ながら違いましたが。

Walking in a mud was extremely messy but surprisingly fun. It felt like we were kids all over again. We saw thousands of tadpoles.

These are new cat tails. After discarding many (or most) layers, the very center and the tender part of the plant is edible and it is quite nice. They taste like in between green onion and cucumber.

We collected bag full of them but edible parts must be 5% or less.

I quickly boiled them and pickled them. Unfortunately, the bright light green color disappeared after being marinated in vinegar...
Cat Tails are very versatile. If you wait until summer, you can eat the top portion which taste just like corn. I think that a pair of gumboots will be a very good investment.


Osechi - Happy New Year! (Japanese Style)

For the first time in ten years (since Ladybug has moved to the U.S.), I decided to make traditional Japanese 'Osechi' to celebrate the new year. Since it was the last minute decision, I used whatever we had available in the house, so this is more like an improvisational version of Osechi. In any case, they certainly helped to set the special mood for Japanese new year and we enjoyed it :)

From the bottom left (clockwise), eggroll (with teriyaki chicken rolled inside), Hijiki, Sweet beans and chestnuts, Kazunoko, Spicy Konnyaku and Ginger flavored Jyako, Yamaimo & mum flower w/Mentaiko      左下から時計回りに。鶏の照り焼き入り玉子焼き、ひじきと切干大根の煮物、豆と栗の甘煮、松前漬、こんにゃくのピリ辛味噌炒め、生姜じゃこ、山芋と菊の花の酢の物(明太子添え) Roast beef marinated in redwine/soy sauce and garlic.

Chirashi-zushi with shrimp and grilled eel.
We had Ozoni (sticky rice cake in broth), too. Mr. Ladybug was struggling with very sticky and chewy Mochi, but he didn't mind.


First Footing Brunch - A Happy New Year!

A happy new year!
Our year 2010 started at our dear friends' house. They invited families and friends for a new year's day brunch (they call this annual event 'First Footing' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-Foot ).
今年の元旦も私達の大好きな友人Mr.&Mrs. Sのお宅のNew Year's Dayブランチに呼んでいただきました。They live in a beautiful log home...Their Christmas decoration is very charming and tasteful as well.
Mr.S (I love his apron, by the way) is in charge of the kitchen. He is cooking egg's benedict, ham and potatoes on the skillet. It was so delicious that Ladybug had to have seconds.
Mr. S (前掛けがお茶目です)が台所を仕切っています。お客さん一人一人にエッグス・ベネディクト、ハム、ポテトが熱々で振舞われます。とてもおいしくて、私はお代わりをいただきました。
There're probably 20-30 people or so invited. We ate, drank, mingled and really had a good time.
LOTS of Champagne were consumed. Ladies liked Mimosa (champagne with orange juice).
一体何本のシャンペンが開けられたでしょうか。女性陣はミモザ(オレンジジュースとシャンペンのカクテル) がお気に入り。
Boys liked Black Velvet (beer cocktail made from guiness beer and champagne).
There were tons of beautiful and delicous food, however, we were too busy eating and migling...so we came home with very few food photos.
Well, it was certainly the best way to start out the new year.
We wish everyone a very happy and blessed year!