
Blueberries, Chanterelles, and Ponies!

Obsessed, our picking expedition is now going beyond the state border. We have been camping in the mountains to hike and pick almost every weekend, if not every other weekend lately and it has been the best summer ever!
During our last trip to the North Carolina mountains, somebody told us about the blueberries in Virginia. This man saw us picking and said "Have you been to Mt. X in Virginia? You'll see blueberries five times bigger than those and they are very sweet." So we went.

They might not be quite that large, but he was right. Some of the blueberries in there were very plump. There were just as many blackberries there as well. We saw a lot of people hiking with large buckets but never felt competitive as fruits were just so abundant :)
We really enjoyed the hiking aspect of the trip. It was rather an open pasture type of hiking with a beautiful mountain range in the distance and we even mingled with beautiful wild ponies!
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Anyway, here are our catches of the weekend (except the pony).

Blackberry vines. They were just coming in.

Mr. Ladybug found Chanterelles in the camp site and these are great ones! They are wonderful mushrooms and pricy ($$) if you could ever find them at the supermarket. You would probably pay more than $20/lb.
私達のテントのすぐそばで、ジョンが何とシャントレル(調べたところ日本語では「アンズタケ」だそうです)を発見!しかもこんなに大きくきれいで新鮮です。この高級きのこはスーパーでもあまり見かけませんが、Whole Foodsにたまにあります。1ポンド20ドルはするでしょう。

On the hiking trail, Mr. Ladybug identified burdock leaves so we dug. We were also hoping to find burdocks so we carried a little shovel and gloves with us for an occasion like this. Luckily, we didn't have to dig very deep this time as these were itty-bitty ones (in spite of the size of the leaves) as you can see.

ハイキング中、ジョンがゴボウと思われる葉っぱを道ばたに発見(私にはただの雑草にしか見えなかったけど)。こんな時のために携帯していたシャベルを使って早速掘ってみたところ、やはりゴボウでした! こんなに小さいので(葉っぱは立派だったが)深く掘らずに済んで助かった。。。ちゃんとキンピラにしまーす。

This is one of the baby ponies. They are such a gentle and friendly creatures.



Blueberry Picking

Okay, I admit that fruit picking is becoming our obsession now. So, we drove to the mountain area for wild blueberries this time. They were just coming in. As soon as we started climbing, we saw blueberry thickets EVERYWHERE along the hiking trail. They should name this trail 'Blueberry Trail'.
Finding edible plants in the nature is exciting. And picking is so much fun! We feel like we are kids again.
And above us, too. Some of them grow pretty tall.

Yes, I know - this is a huge container I am using to collect picked berries. Yes, we were little bit greedy but according to the park regulation, one person is allowed to pick up to one gallon per day (and that is a lot!).

They are quite beautiful. We munched quite a few as we hiked. I think we were turning blue.
By the way, we almost enconterd with a bear! While picking deeper in the bush, Mr. Ladybug heard some sniffing noise in a little distance (but continued to pick anyway). A couple came down few minutes after us said that they saw it. No surprise though, as bears love blueberries, too.

Big bowl of blueberries for breakfast!

Bleuberry season is supposed to last well into September, depending on the altitude. We are looking forward to going back as many weekends as possible.



Peach Season

Here in the South, they grow wonderful peaches. We eat lots of them fresh during the summer time but it would be nice if we could enjoy them during off-season, or send them to family and friends who live far away. So, the canning project continues. They freeze very well, too. After peeling and cutting, coat them with fresh squeezed lemon juice and sugar. Put them in zip-lock bags- you can enjoy sweet and juicy peaches year round.



Cherry Picking

While in Michigan, we drove north to Traverse city and spent a couple of days there. Traverse City is famous for cherries--especially for sour cherries (canned for pies, etc.), but they do grow sweet cherries as well. So we went picking!
One more note-worthy thing about Traverse city is that on the smaller peninsula, there are some wineries that make truly wonderul wines. We had the best Cabernet Franc and Pinot Grigio at '2 Lads' Winery.
The summer vacation in Michigan was so beautiful with such wonderful surprises!

ミシガン滞在中、さらに北のTraverse Cityへ足をのばしました。ここはサクランボで有名な土地で、見渡すかぎりサクランボの果樹園が広がっています。もちろんサクランボ狩り、行ってきました!
それから意外に思われるかもしれませんが、ここはワインがおいしいことでも知られています。試しにいくつかワイナリーに行きましたが、Two Ladsというワイナリーのワインはおどろくほど美味でした。


These are sour cherry trees. This bright red color could be seen from a far distance like red clowds.


These are sweet cherries (This particular branch could use more ripening). As we picked, we saw better looking trees with clusters of larger, deeper colored fruits and so we eventually picked more than 15 pounds of cherries. We never knew cherries could taste so complex (and delicious!). They were sweet of course, but they had a very pleasant tartness with such deep flavor.


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By the way, we visited the Sleeping Bear Dunes area. One of the largest dunes was surreal. It was a HUGE steep bluff, with a 450 foot drop to Lake Michigan. In fact, they had a warning sign that said "Return climb is extremely exhausting," and so we didn't go.
