
Osechi - Happy New Year! (Japanese Style)

For the first time in ten years (since Ladybug has moved to the U.S.), I decided to make traditional Japanese 'Osechi' to celebrate the new year. Since it was the last minute decision, I used whatever we had available in the house, so this is more like an improvisational version of Osechi. In any case, they certainly helped to set the special mood for Japanese new year and we enjoyed it :)

From the bottom left (clockwise), eggroll (with teriyaki chicken rolled inside), Hijiki, Sweet beans and chestnuts, Kazunoko, Spicy Konnyaku and Ginger flavored Jyako, Yamaimo & mum flower w/Mentaiko      左下から時計回りに。鶏の照り焼き入り玉子焼き、ひじきと切干大根の煮物、豆と栗の甘煮、松前漬、こんにゃくのピリ辛味噌炒め、生姜じゃこ、山芋と菊の花の酢の物(明太子添え) Roast beef marinated in redwine/soy sauce and garlic.

Chirashi-zushi with shrimp and grilled eel.
We had Ozoni (sticky rice cake in broth), too. Mr. Ladybug was struggling with very sticky and chewy Mochi, but he didn't mind.


  1. It all looks delicious! Now I must go and heat up my lunch!

  2. Hi Moggy! Mr. Ladybug and I think that you are the only reader of my humble blog and I thank you. I need to be better at updating it more often ;-(
