
International Food Festival

Before the month of October goes away, I want to make a note of this special event which took place earlier this month.
Our dear friends Mr. & Mrs. S host "International Food Festival" each fall at their 'one of the kind' beautiful log cabin, this being the 6th year. It truly is a grand event - their friends fly/drive from all parts of the United States and even from overseas to particiate. Each of the participants run a different ethnic food & beverage booth (We did Japanese), and guests can enjoy samples of numerous dishes and drinks all afternoon - all for free. The booths this year had the following themes: Japanese, Irish, Cajun, Maryland Crab, Moroccan, Southern, Garlic, Italian, Jewish, Polish, Lowcountry Cuisine, Chinese, and Dessert.


With Mr. S.  ホストのMr.S、彼のお友達のBashoと一緒に。頭巾はおそろいです。
The party takes place in their back yard. パーティーは家の裏庭で行われます。裏庭と一口に言っても40エーカー(3万坪)という広大さです。
Outhouse: おトイレ(Mr.S製作)

Irish Booth: アイリッシュ・ブース

The dessert booth: this group came from upstate New York. The booth leader studied at Le Cordon Bleu School in Paris. The desserts were exquisite!

New Orleans Booth and their Jambalaya: ケイジャン・ブースとジャンバラヤの鍋

The garlic booth sign: にんにく・ブースのかわいい看板。このブースは他から少し外れて一番端っこにいました(笑)。

The Maryland crab booth; they have the best crab cakes: メリーランド蟹のブース。クラブ・ケーキ何個食べたかな?最高でした。

Moroccan booth : モロッコ・ブース(料理もちゃんと色々ありました)

The Southern booth with thier moon shine shots and deep fried pig skin:アメリカ南部ブース。NC製の「違法なお酒」“ムーン・シャイン”のショットと豚の皮のから揚げ

Japanese booth - besides yakitori, we served Japanese style curry rice and gyuu-don this year. 我ら日本食ブース。焼き鳥は本格炭火焼。日本から持ってきた焼酎入り特製たれを使用しています。他にはカレーライス、牛丼を準備しました。

The party continue with camp fire and dancing... 暗くなったら焚き火、みんな踊ったり飲んだりとパーティーはまだまだ続きます。。。

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